Tuesday, January 12, 2010

can I get a job in this outfit ?

Depends. I have a college degree now. So fucking what. There are no real jobs. Plenty of high class trashy goths are lawyers and teachers. They just wear grownup outfits for weekdays. Get them in a club and you'll see some tattoos. Get them in your bedroom and maybe a whip or rope comes out. But it is hard to get the foot in the door of the corporate world. They give you their card. Then they are too busy to call you.

I could be an "intern" for a fashion photographer. No thanks asshole.

Maybe I'll go back to school and "study" theater. I'll be poorer when I get out but in the meantime I can dress the fuck the way I want to.


Neifah said...

I'll give you a job, lala twirl.

lala twirl said...

First you have to convince me that you have one :)

Neifah said...

Oh my Goth! lala, what's with the mistrust! I'm your biggest fan.

Unknown said...
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lala twirl said...

Sorry Nefah, I had some asshole on my case. Fucking creeps.